The Paralysis of Perfection

The Paralysis of Perfection

I’m writing a book on Exuberance and it is really dragging me down. The irony doesn’t escape me. Fortunately, I laugh now at this bit of cosmic humor. I’d already written 400 pages by September, 2014 only to put the project on hold because I wasn’t happy with it....
What’s Love Got To Do With It?

What’s Love Got To Do With It?

When you chose to commit to a long-term relationship, did you love that person? Of course, you say. Love was the main reason. I wanted to create a life with the person I loved. Do you love your children? Of course, you say again. With all my heart. I would do anything...
It Takes Courage to Grow

It Takes Courage to Grow

Most of my coaching clients tell me that growth — sustainable growth — is their top priority; e.g., growing their businesses, developing talent and accelerating their own learning and growth as leaders. They want growth that contributes to the good of the...