The High Cost of The Blame Game

The High Cost of The Blame Game

I love reading Seth Godin’s daily blog. In a recent post, No One to Say No,  he said “people are not afraid of failure, they are afraid of blame”. I couldn’t agree more. And yet, these days it seems that most people are playing The Blame Game. When something goes...
The Power of A Promise

The Power of A Promise

I was inspired today by a story on the Morning Joe show on MSNBC. After returning home from two tours of duty in Iraq and Afghanistan, Sgt. Daniel Rodriguez felt completely lost. After fighting the Taliban at age 19, he was now back in a world that didn’t really know...
Focus on Today

Focus on Today

I have coached hundreds of leaders in the past thirty years. One thing stands out among those who are the most effective. They focus on making today better. Yes, they spend time on planning for the future and certainly, they learn from the past. But they realize that...
Just One Choice Away

Just One Choice Away

As a small child, I loved playing the “getting warmer” game whenever I was trying to find something that had been hidden from me. I remember when we five kids were trying to find the last few Easter eggs that Mom had concealed. “Getting warmer”, she would say as we...
How You Live is How You Lead

How You Live is How You Lead

Many say that there are only two fundamental emotions: love and fear. I also believe that how we live is how we lead. So if how we live is how we lead, which emotion do we want to live by—fear or love? FEAR RULES With a fear-based approach to life, we are always on...