The Power of A Promise

The Power of A Promise

I was inspired today by a story on the Morning Joe show on MSNBC. After returning home from two tours of duty in Iraq and Afghanistan, Sgt. Daniel Rodriguez felt completely lost. After fighting the Taliban at age 19, he was now back in a world that didn’t really know...
Are You Creating More Than You Consume?

Are You Creating More Than You Consume?

As a society, we have become unbalanced between consuming and creating. A key economic metric is “consumer confidence”. We honor “conspicuous consumption” as a sign of “having made it”. The external costs of overconsumption are evident — environmental devastation,...
The 5 Surprising Benefits of Fear

The 5 Surprising Benefits of Fear

In my work as a coach of  “exuberant leaders” I have discovered that fear is a constant companion to anyone stepping outside their comfort zone. Fear as an emotion has surprising benefits. However, when we become stuck in fear as our persistent mood, we lose access to...
Just One Choice Away

Just One Choice Away

As a small child, I loved playing the “getting warmer” game whenever I was trying to find something that had been hidden from me. I remember when we five kids were trying to find the last few Easter eggs that Mom had concealed. “Getting warmer”, she would say as we...
Where You Look Is Where You Go

Where You Look Is Where You Go

My knees are trembling.  I am standing precariously on a balance beam thirty feet in the air. The beam stretches twenty-five feet to the tree on the other side. I look down. My friend, Terry Tillman, is standing below me. He is leading this Wilderness Adventure for...