“I will help you use the power of your mood to change the climate of your organization.”
Are you ready to take the next step? Contact me at don@arnoudse.com
I have coached senior business leaders and their most valuable team members to break through the ceiling of past successes, and achieve results beyond what they thought was possible.
A few years ago, when shocked by a stage 3 cancer diagnosis, I discovered the power of my mood. First I tumbled into fear. But exuberance, rather than fear, helped me unlock reserves of energy and healing that I did not know that I had. Now, completely cancer-free, I’ve made it my life’s purpose to promote the power of mood and its affect on outcomes. I truly love to coach top leaders on how to access this capacity in themselves.
Over the years of doing what I love to do, I have discovered that the very best leaders all have one ‘unsung capacity’ in common—using the power of their mood to change the climate of their entire organization. Exuberant leaders have a unique, almost unfair advantage, over their competitors—to grow the top line, jump start innovation, and quickly seize market opportunities.
Why hire a professional leadership coach?
Take a look. In any field, the best performers always have a coach, mentor, or special teacher by their side. This is also true of the best business leaders. Successful businesses start with exceptional leaders, who, in turn, create other great leaders.
Mastery of your mood is a leadership skill unlike any other. As your coach, I’ll help you learn to leverage your own ‘exuberant energy,’ and spread it throughout your organization. This contagious energy will act like rocket fuel to mobilize your whole organization to move more effectively from vision to strategy to successful execution.
Why me as your coach?
It’s true. It gets lonely at the top. And, the fact is, we all need someone with whom we can talk things through, have a private conversation, with no hidden agendas, in a safe and almost sacred space where you can explore sensitive, crucial topics with a trusted guide.
A consultant looks at your business problem and provides advice. As a coach, I focus on you, the leader, to see how your ‘interpretations’ may be boxing you in. I provide you with different lenses – to literally see things differently – and discover new options for action.
I coach from my own experience—my own struggles and discoveries as a leader. I love coaching, and I love the game of business. I understand the arena you are playing in.
If you are ready to be coached by me, let’s have a conversation.
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The better question is “are you willing to be coached?” With my coaching, you’ll be able to source and sustain your own exuberant energy. You’ll learn to expand your network of strong relationships that serve your mission. You’ll master the art of distinctive leadership conversations, e.g. conversations for alignment, generating possibilities, and turning these possibilities into investable opportunities. You’ll also learn to create a solid foundation of personal vitality, purposeful achievement, and profound relationships.
I will help you create a workplace culture where your people can’t help but thrive, where the best young talent will clamor to work for you, and where you ‘connect the dots’ in a way that produces synergies up, down, and across the enterprise.
My coaching goes way beyond ‘advice giving’. I will shine a light on your blind spots—your hidden internal constraints—that may be limiting your ability to lead your organization beyond its comfort zone. Working with me is action-learning, in real time, on the field. We will combine new insights with guided practice and immediate application. It’s fast, it’s practical, and it will stretch you. I will provoke you, and support you. All with your permission.
If this strikes a chord with you, let’s have a conversation.