Dare to be Great

Dare to be Great

“What is it that makes you good, but keeps you from being great?” This question really provoked my thinking last week while I was sitting in a meeting of transformational leaders on the Dalmatian coast of Croatia. My friend, the inspiring and prolific writer Gay...
Go Where It’s Scary

Go Where It’s Scary

Last week in Croatia, I attended a powerful session led by my friend Kute Blackson. Kute is an amazing speaker and life coach with a unique perspective on how to live a truly inspired life. Kute lives exuberantly and, boy, did he get my attention with the title of his...
Clarity: Our Compass in Unpredictable Terrain

Clarity: Our Compass in Unpredictable Terrain

Certainty is like a map. Maps represent the terrain as it was. They give us some certainty about what things were like in the past. They don’t indicate how the terrain is changing right now and where we are in it. They don’t give us a way to navigate in today’s...
Certainty: A Dangerous Craving for Leaders

Certainty: A Dangerous Craving for Leaders

It’s easy to believe that a little more certainty is exactly what we need. Today’s world seems so chaotic and unpredictable. And, after all, we are uncomfortable with mystery. Craving more certainty in our lives—as parents, leaders, and citizens—seems understandable,...
Your Greatest Fear

Your Greatest Fear

I have been afraid of heights for as long as I can remember. Whether I’m climbing a ladder or climbing a mountain, anxiety clutches at my body and betrays me. My legs stiffen, my hands tremble, my breathing turns shallow and rapid. If I’m walking over a bridge of any...
Are You Thinking Big Enough?

Are You Thinking Big Enough?

An “exuberant” colleague recently told me how she had dealt with the pain of her divorce. A mentor had given her some advice that brought her up short. Instead of offering her a shoulder to cry on, he challenged her by saying, “Make sure that your purpose is bigger...